Monday, March 1, 2010

Field Trip

This weekend I went on a field trip with Nana, Pop pop's and Aunt Emily. I went to spend the night with them on Friday night and we played outside and practiced my walking skills.
After a long day of playing, eating, bath, and watching cartoons, I crashed out. This is how I was sleeping when Nana woke me up Saturday morning at 5:45 (that's A.M., not P.M.).
We left at 6:00 A.M. to head to San Marcos to visit Aunt Katie.

We stopped at Buckey's to stretch our legs and change out of my P.J.'s . The car trip was fun. I played on Nana's phone to call my mom and dad.

We got to Aunt Katie's apt. around 9:30 and played outside on her patio. It overlooks the pool, but they said it was too cold for me to get in it. Maybe next time.
Then, the dog came out to play with me. He's big. I think he liked me because he kept wanting to lick on me. How gross.

This is Aunt Katie's room. Aunt Emily was helping me play in her makeup.

Then we went to Austin to see Uncle Dave, Aunt Bonnie, Eliza and Evangeline. Eliza has alot of toys. We had fun playing together. Then went to the park to play on the playground

This is my Uncle Dave with these goofy glasses on.

Eliza gave me some mardi gras beads to take home. I looked so pretty in them.

Cool Kitchen playset. I want one !

Goofy Aunt Katie

After a fun day of playing and seeing everyone, we headed back to San Marcos to take pictures of Aunt Katie and her boyfriend Kyle. They were going to a banquet. She sure looked pretty.

Then, off we went to head back home. We left around 5:30 and got home at 8:00. I slept all the way home.
Nana gave me a bath when we got home and then mom came to pick me up.
What a great day!

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