Monday, September 21, 2009

Sunday School

I'm 10 months old now, and I spent the night with my Nana on Saturday night. Nana, pop pop and Aunt Emily woke me up early on Sunday morning. They fed me breakfast (Rice cereal and banana's), then she put me in one of my pretty dresses and a sweater... then, off we went to that big church where I played the part of baby Jesus last year, when I was only 3 weeks old. I started out Sunday morning going with them to the choir rehearsal room, and alot of older people kept coming up to me saying how cute I was. We hung around there for awhile, and then they took me into this big Worship Center where they were rehearsing the music for the morning service. It was so big and the music was so loud. They were singing songs about Jesus. After that, Nana took me to Aunt Emily's Sunday school class room, where she works. I played with the 6 year olds for alittle bit, and then I had to go to my Sunday School room, where the kids are my age. It was fun. The teacher took us in a big stroller that has 8 seats (they call it a "buggy"). We strolled around the church and then played with bubbles. I met some new friends and the teacher sang songs to us about Jesus and how much he loves us. After Nana and pop pop finished singing in that big Worship Center, they came to get me and we went to lunch. I ate green beans and banana's and then we went back to church to pick up Aunt Emily from her classroom. Nana tried to take more pictures of me all morning, but her camera wasn't working. Hopefully next week, I can go again, and she can take more pictures. When we got home, I had a popsicle, played and then my momma and daddy came to pick me up.

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