Saturday, December 31, 2011


Mommy and Daddy took me and Devanie bowling yesterday. This was something new for me.
I loved it. Daddy taught me how to take the ball and roll it down so it knows over pins.

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Monday, December 19, 2011

Me and my cousins

After the Christmas program, we all went to Aunt Char's and Uncle Stan's for dinner.
I got to play with Shep. Evangeline was there too, but she's too little right now. Once she starts crawling around.... we're going to have alot of fun playing dolls.

This is the 3 Great Grandchildren of Mamaw and Granddaddy.
Me, Shep and Evangeline. None of us wanted our picture taken!
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Christmas at Second

Well, it's Christmas time and there are alot of things happening at Second Baptist.
We went to the Church program one night to see Nana and Pop Pop's sing all Christmas Music.
Then the next week we went back for the "Really Really Big Christmas Show". My cousins went with me and we had so much fun!

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

It's Beginning to look a lot like Christmas

What does cold weather, jackets, hats, and decorated tree remind you of? Christmas... it's almost here.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Daddy Tried

Daddy was fixing my hair after my bath the other day.
Check out the end product.
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End of the Day

This is Aunt Katie and her best friend Erin. I think she is going to be Katie's Maid of Honor.
And then, the next picture is ME, and I get to be the Flower Girl.
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Thanksgiving 2011

I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. We went to Aunt Char and Uncle Stan's house for Turkey dinner. I wish Robbie, Katie, Kyle, Steven, Rachel, Evangeline, Dave, Bonnie, Eliza, Evangeline, Rob, Wendy and Jake were there, but they all were scattered out everywhere else.

This is me and Mamaw. She gave me puzzels for my birthday.

Dora Stickers - I was putting them on everyone's face.

This is my cousin Shep. My mom gave Aunt Char my crib and she fixed it up for Shep and Evangeline.

Me and Aunt Emily being silly.

Now you know where I get my cuteness from.

My daddy looked so nice in his white shirt. Nana kept telling him how nice he looked.

Me and Uncle Greg having our birthday dessert . I was born the day before his birthday.

Uncle Kyle sent this picture to Nana. Aunt Katie is in Fort Worth for Thanksgiving and they took Cricket (their dog). She always sleeps with Katie. They must be best friends.
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