Friday, October 14, 2011

The Great GrandKids of the Family

Mawaw and Granddaddy have 3 Great Grandchildren, me being one of them.
Then, there is Shep and the newest one, Evangeline Rose.

We make them proud !

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Halloween is right around the corner

Hi everyone. Mom picked me up from school today, and we went shopping for Halloween. Not sure what I want to be to go trick or treating. Should I be Strawberry Shortcake or a ballerina?
Either way, I'm going to look cute.

We decorated the yard when Daddy got home.

This is going to be fun!!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Tea Party with Daddy

I have the best Daddy in the world. Tonight, I started feeling better after my surgery, so me and daddy started playing "Tea Party".
I love my daddy!
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The biggest Doll Ever....

I went over to Aunt Char's on Saturday to play with everyone, and look what Aunt Char and Aunt Jan gave me.... the biggest doll EVER ! Then, they decided to give me a double stroller they ordered. I think it was for my birthday, but they wanted to give it to me early since I'm going to have surgery this week. Not sure what that means... but, I'll take it.
Me and Nana played Ring around the Rosie with it.
Fun Day !!!
Thanks Aunt Char and Aunt Jan !

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My first Surgery

This morning, Mommy and Daddy took me to Texas Children's hospital to get my adenoids out. Not really sure what that is, but they said they needed to come out. We got to the hospital at 6:45 and guess who was waiting for me........ NANA AND POP POP'S.

Mom was alittle stressed, not sure why. I thought we were there just visiting. Little did I know what was to come.....

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Nana and Pop Pops

Nana and Pop Pop's kept taking turns to come sit with me.
Daddy was there too but he was taking the pictures. I have the best mommy and daddy because they always take such good care of me.

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Time for surgery

Okay - It's time for surgery. Mom had to get dressed in this funny looking gown so she could go in with me until I fell asleep. The Dr. said only one person. I wish my daddy could have gone, but mom said she would do it.
The Nurses thought I was real cute and kept calling me "Mel Mel".

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Going home

I"m going home now. Not feeling very good and got sick when I was getting in the car, so we went to Nana and Pop Pop's house to stay for the day.
Mom and dad took me home later that evening and put me in my bed. I started feeling better.
Tomorrow will be even better.
The best thing about today - - - - Mom and dad bought me a few new toys to play with and I get to eat as many popsicles as I want. :)
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Saturday, October 1, 2011

SBS Homecoming 2011

I went to Second Baptist Homecoming last night with Nana, Pop Pop's, Aunt Emily and Aunt Katie. Nana bought me a SBS cheerleader outfit for the game. I got a picture with all the Varsity cheerleaders. They thought I was so cute.

Sophia (the cheerleader that is holding me), won homecoming court for 2011.
We won the game too.
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Hanging out

Just hanging out at the football game, enjoying some popcorn.

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