Thursday, June 30, 2011

Skipping School

Mom let me skip school today so I could go to Aunt Char's house. Aunt Katie came in town so we decided to all get together to play in the pool. Thanks Char, for letting us pal around at your house today. It was fun !!!

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Going to School

I am heading to school this morning.
Hope everyone has a good day. Love, Melanie

Monday, June 13, 2011

Hanging out in the pools

It was a beautiful weekend, but very hot. So, I tried out several different pools. Went to Aunt Jan's for awhile, then to Nana's pool, then my blow up barbie pool, then back home to my pool with my cousins. What a great weekend.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Cooling off on a hot day

Me, Nana and pop pop's went to Mamaw and Granddaddy's house for a visit today. Mamaw always has popsicles, so I grabbed one to cool off alittle bit.
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Learning to ride

Mamaw and Granddaddy have a bike they keep at their house, so I took it for a spin around the cul-de-sac. Pop Pop's was teaching me how to peddle. I think I need to get one of these for my house.

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After I went swimming (In my new bathing suit), I went inside to play with all my dolls and put them to bed. Shhhhhhhh.... they are taking a nap.

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Thursday, June 9, 2011

My cousin Shep

Here are a few more pictures of my cousin Shep. He is now 2 months old.

We're going to have fun this summer in the pool.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Playing Dolls

I've learned alot at school, and one thing we do is take a nap after we learn and play in the morning. So, when I got home today, I got all my dolls and pillows and after we played, I put them all down for their naps. Nana found a bottle for me to feed my babies. They can't share bottles, so I need to get more. I also ran out of baby blankets, so I used rags to cover them. After we got through playing, we all fell asleep.