Monday, May 16, 2011

Another Fun Weekend

After spending a few days at Nana's - Pop Pop's made me breakfast and I got to eat outside. When I got back to my house, my cousins came over and we played in my backyard and had fun!

Aunt Katie heading to Phoenix

Aunt Katie and Kyle left Saturday morning to head to Phoenix for the summer. We will miss you Aunt Katie !

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Happy Birthday Aunt Katie

Aunt Katie's birthday is next week, so I went with Nana and and Pop pop's to San Marcos to see her for the day. Happy Birthday Aunt Katie !
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Sunny Day, water, boats, Food

Aunt Katie took us to a place where we could watch boats, and eat outside.
I saw lots of boats and ducks in the water.
What a fun day!

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San Marcos Playground

Look at this playground we found by Aunt Katie's house.
I wish my daddy could build me one of these in my backyard.

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All to Myself

I practically had this entire playground to myself.

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Big Fish

We went down by the river and look what this guy caught.
We didn't know him, but he wanted a picture of his big catch.

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Monday, May 9, 2011

Shep's Dedication

Shep was dedicated this weekend at their church in Austin. Wish I could have been there to see this awesome event. Uncle Dave took these pictures so I could see how cute Shep looked.

Friday, May 6, 2011


Well, the second day of school wasn't so bad (yesterday). I begin to play and meet new friends. This is a picture of me being silly when my mom came to pick me up. Still not sure if I want to do this school thing everyday. Where's my Nana when I need her??

Thursday, May 5, 2011

My First Day at School

Wednesday, May 4, 2011, I begin my first day at school. My mom and dad wanted me to do this so I could be around other kids that are my age, to learn, to play with others, to share..... What's up with that? That's what my cousins are for. I see them all the time. I know how to share and play with others. I also know how to count to 15 and I know my ABC's.

Anyway, It was nice. There were kids my age, I got to sit and have lessons, play outside, eat lunch and take a nap on a mat with my blanket. There were a few times I cried, but I'll get use to it. Mom and dad picked me up around 5:00.

There will be no pictures for my first day of school because I started crying when I saw mom and dad come in (because I wanted them to feel sorry for me). So, mom didn't take my picture.

Evidently, she didn't feel too sorry for me, because she said I was going back to school tomorrow. All the way home, she asked me about my day, and if I made any new friends. Then she asked if I wanted to go back to school tomorrow. I told her no....but I guess she didn't listen to me. The way I look at this is..... I am going to be in school until I'm at least 18 years old.... What's the rush ???

Sunday, May 1, 2011

My cousin's Confirmation Day

Today my cousin, Sophia had her confirmation at Memorial Drive Methodist Church.
She is the one in the pretty brown dress.
Congratulations Sophia !!
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