Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Eve 2010

Christmas Eve with all my cousins and family from my dad's side of the family.
I love all my cousins.

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Christmas Day at Aunt Char and Uncle Stan's House

After opening up presents, we went to Aunt Char's and Uncle Stan's house for Christmas dinner and more gifts. These pictures were taken by my cousin Robbie. Thanks for the pictures.

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More Family Pics

Me, Jake, Emily, Aunt Jan and Uncle Greg.
Merry Christmas.

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Christmas 2010

Mamaw and my cousin Evangeline - and of course I was in a few more with Eliza.

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Christmas with Eliza

This is me with my cousin Eliza.
We had a good Christmas.

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Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I had fever last night and kept mom and dad awake all night.
So, they gave me tylenol and lots of water and called the Doctor.
The Dr. told them that it's just a virus and I'll be fine.
I could have told them that.
I'm feeling better now after I had my nap today.
Time to play with my dolls.
When you're sick, you don't have to comb your hair.
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Happy Thanksgiving 2010

We went to The Woodlands for Thanksgiving Dinner.
All my Aunts, Uncles, Granddaddy, Mamaw, and cousins were there.
We played outside and had fun!

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