Sunday, October 31, 2010


We got together tonight at Nana's to celebrate Aunt Emily graduating from Medical Assistant School. Pop Pop's cooked on the grill and we built a fire because it was cold.
Aunt Katie and Kyle came in for the night. We had fun !
Congratulations Aunt Emily. We love you.
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Mom and My Aunts

Nana told them to take sweet pictures.

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Sleep over

I decided to spend the night with Nana, Pop Pop's, Aunt Katie and Aunt Emily.

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Why does everyone always have to kiss on me?

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Volleyball Time

Woke up Saturday morning and for some reason, me and Aunt Katie wake up with the same hair do. Nice !
Then we got dressed and went outside for a game of volleyball

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My new puppy

Look what my mommy and daddy got for me... a new puppy. I named her Miley. That will keep my mom and dad confused when they call one of us....... Melanie, Missy and Miley.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Aunt Katie

Aunt Katie went to Dallas this weekend to watch the Cowboys play the Titans. I thought we were Texan fans?

A Visit to the Farm

Nana and Aunt Emily took me to Dewberry Farm today. We had so much fun. Next time, I hope my mom and dad come with us.

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Cow Train

I want one of these. Me and Nana rode a "cow train". This big tractor pulled us around for a long time.

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