Moments with Nana
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Nanna's house
Mom and Dad took me to Nanna's house. We just hung out, ate alot, slept and laughed at Papaw Chris. He's funny.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Valentine Picture
My mom took me to get my picture taken for Valentine's Day.
3 Months old
I spent the night at Nanna's house, and only woke up once during the night.
Saturday, I turned 3 months old. Aunt Emily took me for a stroll - that was fun !
Sunday, February 8, 2009
February 8 - I'm 2 1/2 Months old
Today we all got together for my Great Grandmothers birthday. I was very fussy today. This is me with my papaw Chris.
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